
POM ACO Performance: Shared Savings and Losses

Amount of Shared Savings/Losses:

Third Agreement Period

Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.

Second Agreement Period

Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.

First Agreement Period

Shared Savings Distribution:

Third Agreement Period

Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.

Second Agreement Period

First Agreement Period

Payment Rule Waivers

Yes, our ACO does use the SNF 3-day Rule Waiver. 

2022 Quality Performance Results

For previous years’ Financial and Quality Performance Results, please visit: