POM ACO Performance: Shared Savings and Losses
Amount of Shared Savings/Losses:
Third Agreement Period
Performance Year 2023, $0
Performance Year 2022, $0
Performance Year 2021, $0
Performance Year 2020, $0
Performance Year 2019A, $0
Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.
Second Agreement Period
Performance Year 2019, $10,547,386
Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.
Performance Year 2018, $18,065,791
Performance Year 2017, $20,715,184
Performance Year 2016, $0
First Agreement Period
Performance Year 2015, $0
Performance Year 2014, $12,075,693
Performance Year 2013, $0
Shared Savings Distribution:
Third Agreement Period
Performance Year 2023
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Performance Year 2022
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Performance Year 2021
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Performance Year 2020
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Performance Year 2019A
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Note: Our ACO participated in multiple performance years during Calendar Year 2019. Shared savings/losses amount reported for Performance Year 2019 therefore is specific to the Agreement Period shown.
Second Agreement Period
Performance Year 2019
Proportion invested in infrastructure: 36%
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 19%
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 45%
Performance Year 2018
Proportion invested in infrastructure: 36%
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 19%
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 45%
Performance Year 2017
Proportion invested in infrastructure: 30%
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 21%
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 49%
First Agreement Period
Performance Year 2015
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Performance Year 2014
Proportion invested in infrastructure: 50%
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 15%
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 35%
Performance Year 2013
Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Payment Rule Waivers
Yes, our ACO does use the SNF 3-day Rule Waiver.
2023 Quality Performance Results

For previous years’ Financial and Quality Performance Results, please visit: